How to Clean Haps Nordic products
Haps Nordics reusable smoothiebags and snackbags are easy to clean, either in the dishwasher or with a soft brush.
1) Unscrew the lid (for smoothiebags)
2) Open the bag at the bottom (or top for snackbags)
3) Place the bag over the plate holders
4) Fill up your dishwasher and press start:)
5) Let the bags air dry or wipe dry with a cloth.
By hand:
1) Unscrew the lid
2) Open bag at the bottom
3) Wash the bags with a soft brush or cloth if necessary.
4) Let the bags air dry or wipe dry with a cloth.
Scold out if necessary for 15 sec. sometimes.
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Steel trio - Terracotta
Steel trio - Sun light
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